Datasets:  Exporting

Export allows you to export an entire dataset for use by another IN-SPIRE user, or to save a selected set of documents to a file.


Note:  Client-Server installations of IN-SPIRE cannot export datasets or documents.

To export an entire dataset

  1. From the IN-SPIRE main toolbar select File > Datasets... to open the Dataset Editor.

  2. Click on the name of the dataset you want to export.

  3. Click on Export.  If your dataset has source files, the Include Source Data window opens.  If this window does not open, proceed to step 5.

  4. If the user for whom you are exporting the dataset already has the source files you used to create it in their IN-SPIRE/ Dataset Root/Sources folder, or if they are available on an IN-SPIRE server which you both access, there is no need to include them in the export package. Choose whether or not to include the source files and click Yes or No as appropriate.

  5. A file save dialog opens showing the Export Data directory.

    Choose a name for the exported dataset or accept the default name, and click Save.

To Export Documents

  1. Select the documents you want to export.

  2. From the IN-SPIRE main window, select File > Export Selected Documents. The Export window opens.

  3. To export entire documents choose Entire Document.
    To export only some of the fields, choose Selected Fields.

  4. If you chose to export Selected Fields, the list of available fields will become active. Select the fields you want to export.

  5. Select an export format. The Tab-Delimited File format is a good choice when you want to view the exported data in a spreadsheet. The Name/Value Pairs format is a good choice for creating a new dataset source file that can be reprocessed with IN-SPIRE. Uncheck the Include Document Delimiter box if you do not want the document delimiter to be included in the exported data.

  6. To save the exported data in the INSPIRE/DataSetRoot/Export Data folder, click OK.
    To save the exported data to another location, enter the complete path to the Destination folder, or click Browse and navigate to the folder where the exported data should be saved, then click OK.