IN-SPIRE System Color Chooser

You can change and adjust the system color settings to your preferences.  These changes will apply to the current session and to your future sessions.  This tool enables you to adjust the Galaxy and Themeview colors as well as the coloring of selected system items such as clusters, selection boxes, and Triage network elements.

Changing Object Colors

  1. To access the Color Chooser, from the IN-SPIRE main menu toolbar, select Tools > Choose Colors. The IN-SPIRE System Color Chooser window opens.

  1. To change the color of an object, click on its name in the list of all colored objects on the left side of the Color Chooser window.

  2. Select a new color for the item by doing one of the following:

  1. Click OK to apply your new color selections.  

Restoring Original Colors

  1. From the IN-SPIRE main menu toolbar, select Tools> Choose Colors. The IN-SPIRE System Color Chooser window opens.

  2. Click Reset.  The system will restore the system default colors.