Color Chooser
You can change and adjust the color of most objects in IN-SPIRE by using the Color Chooser. These changes will apply to the current session and to your future sessions. You can change the Galaxy and Themeview Classic colors as well other objects such as clusters, selection boxes, and Search Network elements.
Changing Object Colors
- To access the Color Chooser, from the IN-SPIRE main menu toolbar, select Tools > Choose Colors. The IN-SPIRE System Color Chooser window opens.
![Color Chooser Window Swatches Tab](images/color_swatches.png)
To change the color of an object in the list in the Color Chooser window, highlight it and then select a new color for it using one of the Swatches, HSB (Hue, Saturation and Brightness), or RGB (Red, Green, Blue) panels:
- Swatches: When the window first opens, the Swatches panel will be uppermost. If it is not visible, click on the Swatches tab. Choose a color by clicking on one of the color squares on the panel.
- HSB: Alternatively, click on the HSB tab, bringing the HSB panel uppermost. Click anywhere in the color sample, move the slider to create a new sample color blend, or click on the radio button next to Hue, Saturation, or Brightness and enter a value.
![Color Chooser Color Blender (HSB)](images/color_hsb.png)
- RGB: Or, you can click on the RGB tab, bringing the RBG panel uppermost. Use the sliders to create a new color blend, or type in values for Red, Green, and Blue.
Click OK to apply your new color selections.
Restoring Original Colors
- From the IN-SPIRE main toolbar, select Tools > Choose Colors. The Color Chooser opens.
Click Reset. The colors of objects will revert to the original, default colors.