Main Toolbar and Menus

The IN-SPIRE main toolbar appears when you start the application and remains available as you work.

Projects button Organize and share datasets and artifacts using Projects.
Show Galaxy Button Get a general idea of how documents are related to each other with the Galaxy. All datasets open for the first time in the Galaxy view.
Show Document Viewer Button Read the text of documents, make annotations, and rate documents with respect to groups, using the Document Viewer.
Show Search Button Search the text of documents using advanced word searches or search by example.
Show ThemeView Button See major themes and their associations as a color encoded terrain, using the ThemeView.
Show Facets Button Compare and contrast relationships between Themes and groups you have defined using the Facets Tool.
Show Time Tool Button With documents having a date field, see how documents, and groups of documents, occur over time, using the Time Tool.
Export selected documents button Allows you to Export a list of selected documents, table of data, or picture to the clipboard or a file from most tools.
The following tools are available under the More Tools Button More button on the main toolbar:
Show Correlation Button See how groups and the documents they contain are correlated with each other, using the Correlation Tool.
Search Networks Button Create a Search Network of inter-linked searches designed to winnow out irrelevant documents and help you focus on the interesting ones.
Lexical Analysis Button Lexical Analysis. Analyze the lexical content of documents using four different visualizations.
Major Terms icon Examine the Major Terms to get an idea of which terms IN-SPIRE uses for clustering.
Ratings icon Summarize document Ratings that were made in Document Viewer.
Show ThemeView Classic Button Display the ThemeView Classic for your dataset.
Find Suggested Documents based on documents you've placed into groups.
Explore relevant documents from other datasets in Active Data.
