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Time: Surprise Term Filtering

The Terms view in Time provides the capability for users to remove terms and/or filter terms that are used when calculating surprise and emergence scores.

Surprise and Emergence Terms

Terms may indicate surprise or emergence by using algorithms that recognize highly surprising or emerging signatures in a collection of documents over a period of time.  Surprise and emergence can also be blended to present the most “temporally interesting” terms in a single list.  Multiple circle indicators are displayed to show the points where a term has a high surprise or emergence score.

Circle indicators for suprise (default)

By default, the terms are automatically set to show surprise. To show emergence or both surprise and emergence (blend) go to INSPIRE>DatasetRoot>config>surprise.ini.  For emergence only, locate computation. score. emergence=false and change the field to true.  For both surprise and emergence, locate computation. score. blend=false and change the field to true.

Highlighting and Removing Terms

Terms can be highlighted in one or more rows by clicking and optionally using multiple selection modifiers (Ctrl, Shift).  When one or more rows are highlighted, options such as Details, Search, Search by Example, Outlier, Copy, and Ignore can be accessed from the right-click menu.

Terms View Settings Menu

In the Terms view, the Settings menu offers the following options:
