Datasets:  Importing

IN-SPIRE's import and export capabilities make it easy to share datasets between analysts. Import allows you to import a processed IN-SPIRE dataset, a .zip file which was created with Export. An imported dataset contains all of the documents, groups, queries, and outliers that the original dataset contained.

Importing a Dataset

  1. Open the Dataset Editor. On the Dataset Editor window, click Import. The Import File window opens showing the files in the Export Data folder. If the imported dataset does not have source files, this window will not open and you should skip to step 5.

  2. If the dataset you want to import is in this folder, click on its name to select it, and click Import. If the dataset is not in this folder, use the drop-down menu above the file list to browse to its location. Click on the file name to select it, and click Import.

  3. After a brief delay, depending on how many source files were used to create the original dataset, the Import Sources window opens.

From this window you can:

The sources will be saved in the Destination folder (the default location is C:\Program Files\INSPIRE\DatasetRoot\Sources) but you can select a different destination folder if you wish. Use the Browse button to navigate to it.

  1. Click Continue Import to continue the import process, or to quit without importing the dataset, click Cancel.

  2. The dataset is imported. To open the imported dataset, from the IN-SPIRE main window, select File > Datasets.  The Dataset Editor window will open.  

  3. From the Dataset Editor click on the name of the dataset and then click Open. The imported dataset will display in the Galaxy window.

