Within the Document Viewer, the Document Rater window opens when you click on a group cell corresponding to a document. The Document Rater enables you to ask: does it support or refute my hypothesis? After you view the document in the Document Viewer, you can give the document a rating. These ratings can be viewed later with the Evidence Viewer as well as in the Document Viewer.
To give documents in a group a rating, perform the following procedure.
In the Groups list, select those groups you wish to evaluate in regard to your hypothesis.
Open the Document Viewer. A list of documents selected in the Groups tool will display.
Find a document in the document list. The groups you selected will display as columns to the right of the document title. To begin with, an unrated document will have a gray bar displayed in the group column. Documents that you have not yet viewed will have no markings at all.
Click on a document and look at the text. Evaluate
how the document and the group it is in supports or refutes your hypothesis.
Click in the group column opposite the document
The Document Rater window will display with the document set to Unrated.
Working with the Document Rater, enter a rating for the document in regards to your hypothesis.
Give the document a rating for each evidence block
for each group. In
our example there are three groups, so each document would have three
evidence blocks for you to rate.
Note: It
is possible to pick a contiguous group of evidence blocks by clicking
a cell and Shift-clicking in another cell. When
this is done the top document is shown in the viewer pane and the rater
displays the top-left most evidence rating. Any
rating you select will apply to all the selected documents.
Initially, all documents which belong to the group are unrated as indicated by the gray rectangle. |
To remove a document from a group, select the Not a Member option from the Document Rater, indicated by the white rectangle. Notice that the number of documents in the group and the Total Docs decreases by the number of documents that are removed when you do this. The document continues to appear in the list, however. |
If you find a document that contains conflicting information (data in the document supports its membership in the group, and data that argues against its membership in the group) select the Ambiguous option from the Document Rater, indicated by the gray diamond. See also marking conflicting evidence below. |
If a document belongs in a group that contains supporting evidence, select a supporting confidence and strength in the Supporting (light green) area of the Document Rater. The stronger the confidence and strength, the larger the green arrow will be in the display. |
If a document contains evidence contradicting or refuting the premise behind its group membership, select a refuting confidence and strength in the Refuting (light red) area of the Document Rater. The stronger the confidence and strength of your selected spot, the larger the red arrow will be in the display.
You can use the four keyboard arrow keys, (up, down, left, and right arrows), to navigate the document list. Whenever the document list or the Document Rater has the focus, the four arrow keys can be used for navigation.
This means you can navigate the document list from within the Document Rater as well as the Groups window.
Down arrow - should move to the next document or row in the list and retain the same column selection.
Up arrow - should move to the previous document
or row in the list and retain the same column selection.
If an evidence block were selected, the evidence block above or below
would be the new selection and the Document Rater would remain visible.
If a title
block were selected the title block above or below would be the new selection
and the rater would remain hidden.
Right arrow - move the selection one column to the right and retain the same row selection. Movement wraps back from the final evidence block to the title block.
Left arrow - move the selection one column to the left and retain the same row selection. Movement wraps back from the title block to the last evidence block.
If left or right movement results in a title block being selected the Document Rater is hidden, if an evidence block is selected the Document Rater is shown.
It is possible to select a group of evidence blocks. If this is the case the up, down, right, and left arrows all change the selection to the top most title block.
Whenever the document list or the Document Rater has the focus and the
rater is active (for example, one or more evidence blocks are selected)
the keyboard numeric keypad keys (numbers 0-9) can be used for setting
ratings. This
means you can rate documents from within the Groups window as well as
from within the rater. In
conjunction with the four arrow keys, you can navigate among the documents
and rate them as evidence against many groups without using the mouse.
Note: Be
sure the number lock (Num Lock) key on the numeric keypad is turned on.
It helps to envision a numeric keypad alongside the Document Rater.
7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 |
I |
The four corners (7,9,1,3) set four common ratings:
7 = max Against
9=max Support
1 = mid Against
3 = mid Support
0 sets Not a Member
5 toggles Ambiguous and Unrated
the decimal point = Reset.
The four cardinals ‘8’ and ’2’ increase and decrease the confidence, ‘4’ and ’6’ the strength.
Starting with a “for” rating you can push the rating around, altering the confidence (more/less,up/down,8/2) and the strength (stronger/weaker,right/left,6/4). You cannot change the rating to anything other than a “for rating”, the maximum and minimum strengths and confidences are respected.
Similarly starting with an “against” rating the strength and confidence can be modified among all the nine possible "against” ratings. The 8 key increases confidence and the 2 key reduces it, similar to the “for” case. The 4 key moves the arrow left (stronger against) and the 6 key to the right (weaker against).