Evidence Viewer

After using the Document Rater in the Document Viewer to progressively build up groups of documents in a dataset that are relevant to multiple hypotheses you have made, you can use the Evidence Viewer to track your assessments of document consistency and diagnostics.  


Note: The evidence in locked groups (indicated by the lock icon next to the group displayed in the Groups Tool) cannot be set.


For example, you can create a group based on the hypothesis that the documents in the group support improved rice production techniques.  You will go through the documents in the group and rate them as supporting or not supporting your hypothesis.  The Evidence Viewer will let you see at a glance which documents support, contradict,or provide both supporting and contradicting evidence.  


The Evidence Viewer combines with the Document Viewer and enables you to organize and graphically annotate a document's group membership. You can:


Opening and Closing the Evidence Viewer

To open the Evidence Viewer, from the Groups window Evidence menu select Show Evidence Viewer. The Evidence Viewer window will display.  If you have groups selected, the Summary of any existing group evidence will display.

Viewing the Evidence Summary

Once you have assigned evidence values to the documents in your groups, you can get an overview or summary of the evidence of those groups.  This evidence is based on the ratings you assigned to each document in the group.  The summary provides



To check the evidence of your groups, perform the following procedure.


  1. From the Groups window, select those groups for which you want to see a summary of evidence.

  2. From the Evidence menu, select Show Evidence Summary.  The Evidence Viewer window will display.

  3. If the Summary is not automatically displayed, select it from the drop-down menu.  

    The summary will display aggregate values, aggregates of for and against evidence, and histograms of the number of documents with certain ratings per group  as displayed in each column, colored to indicate the cumulative ratings assigned to the documents within each group.  Under the aggregate value bars will be a histogram.  Use the legend at the right of the window to interpret the aggregate values.

  4. Clicking a section in a histogram bar will select the documents associated with the rating which was clicked in IN-SPIRE as will clicking on a histogram symbol (like the green arrow).

  5. To sort the documents, select from the Order pull-down menu.  In addition to the default group-ordered display you can order by Aggregate Value or Least Refuted.

Measuring Affect

The Evidence Viewer enables you to measure the emotional content or 'affect' of documents by means of user-created lexicons.  


Affect is automatically updated when a new dataset is brought into IN-SPIRE.  Affect is indicated by 'rose plots', which display paired terms of opposites, for example positive/negative, love/hate, and virtue/vice.  

Using the above key to the lexical pairs, here is an example of the measure Affect of a group of dataset documents.

The number of documents in the group is indicated by the number in the lower right corner of the Affect plot.


Affect Groups from the selected lexicon will display as selected locked groups in the Groups window.


To view the Affect of a document, perform the following procedure.


  1. Start IN-SPIRE and select a dataset.  The dataset will open in the Galaxy window.

  2. From the IN-SPIRE main toolbar, select the Groups tool.  The Groups Window will display.

  3. From the Groups tool Evidence menu, select Measure Affect.  The Measure Affect window will display.

  4. From the Measure Affect window, select a lexicon and click Measure.  The Evidence Viewer window will display the display the Affect axes for the selected lexicon on the documents in the dataset.  

  5. To view the affect on a group, select one or more groups from the Groups window.

  6. From the Evidence Viewer pull-down menu, select By Group.  The Affect for the select groups will display.

  7. To adjust the level of detail (zoom in or out on the affect rose plots), use the slider beside the drop-down menu.  Move the slider to the right to increase the size of the plots, and to the left to decrease the size of the plots.

  8. Use the scroll bars in the plot panel to move around among the plots.




