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ThemeView Classic

A ThemeView Classic map of the dataset is like a three-dimensional Galaxy. The height of its peaks corresponds to topic strength at those locations. The extent of its peaks corresponds to the area and brightness of the Galaxy's ThemeClouds.

Opening the ThemeView Classic

On the IN-SPIRE main toolbar, click More and choose ThemeView Classic, or choose Tools > ThemeView Classic.

Interacting with ThemeView Classic

To learn which terms occur in a particular area

Use the Probe tool to click on the area of interest or click and drag a selection circle around it, just as you would in the Galaxy. The Summary tool opens, with a list of the terms found in the selected documents, in order of strength. See
Probe Tool.

To zoom in on a point

Using the Zoom cursor, click on the point.

To zoom on a region

Using the Zoom cursor, click and drag a rectangle around an area. The view zooms so that the selected area fills the ThemeViewClassic window.

To zoom out

Using the Zoom cursor, CTRL-click anywhere on the ThemeViewClassic.

To reset to original magnification

Using the Zoom cursor, CTRL-SHIFT-click anywhere.

You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out of the ThemeViewClassic.

Panning is especially useful when zoomed in.

To pan the terrain in ThemeView

Using the Pan cursor, click and drag anywhere on the ThemeViewClassic.

To reset to original orientation

Using the Pan cursor, CTRL-SHIFT-click anywhere.

Rotating is helpful when peaks obscure an area of interest.

To rotate the terrain in ThemeView

Using the Rotate cursor, click and drag anywhere on the ThemeViewClassic.

Changing the Peak Labels

To change the number of labels or the number of words per label that are visible

1.      From the Gears menu select View > Peak Label Settings. The Peak Labels window opens.

2.      Use the sliders to set different values.

3.      Click OK to see changes in the ThemeView Classic and, if peak labels are turned on there, in the Galaxy.

Any changes to the labels in the ThemeView Classic also affect labels in the Galaxy.

To make the label text larger or smaller

