You are here: Working with Projects and Datasets > Projects and Datasets: Basics

Projects and Datasets: Basics

An IN-SPIRE dataset is a collection of documents and associated information needed to support interactive visualization and analysis. A project is an organizer for a collection of datasets.  A project is often associated with an issue that is being studied.  Creating a dataset is the first step in creating a visualization. A list of datasets and other shared artifacts, such as search networks, appear in the Projects window when you start IN-SPIRE. You can also open Projects by selecting File > Projects... from the IN-SPIRE main menu.

Home Project initially displays a demonstration set of datasets and search networks

Some features described in this section may be unavailable becaus of special requirements at your facility.

Getting Started

When IN-SPIRE first opens, the first window to display is Projects.  The Getting Started section shows recent activity across all projects and includes tutorial information for new users.

Getting Started option in the Projects window

The numbers in the following list refer to those in the image above.

  1. Projects contain high-level project groupings of datasets listed below Getting Started. Clicking on a project in the list replaces the "Recent Activity" and "New to IN-SPIRE" panels above with project details.
  2. Recent Activity keeps track of user activity and shows what is happening within a project and datasets.
  3. New to IN-SPIRE? has links which gives you easy access to IN-SPIRE videos and IN-SPIRE Help.

Accessing Datasets

If you have not created a project, all datasets will be in Home Project, which is created by default.  Home Project is considered as your own personal workspace.  If you are upgrading from a previous version of IN-SPIRE, all datasets from previous versions of IN-SPIRE will be included initially in Home Project.  Datasets created through ANVR will show up in Home Project as well.  Home Project is not a listing of all your datasets that are spread across other projects you have created.  Newly created datasets will be added here unless specified otherwise. 

Moving Datasets and Shared Artifacts

You can move datasets betweens projects by clicking on the dataset and dragging it to the desired project folder.  When you move a dataset from a project, it will no longer be listed in that project.  You can drag and drop shared artifacts, such as search networks, between projects.  When you drag and drop a search network, it makes a copy to display in the other project; therefore, the search network will still be listed in the original project.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project, click the New Projectbutton on the Projects toolbar.  The New Project window displays, prompting you to enter the name of your new project.

After you choose OK, the name of your new project will appear in the Projects pane along the left side of the window.

Sharing a Project

To share a project with other IN-SPIRE users, click on the Share button on the Projects toolbar.  See Projects: Sharing for more details.

Projects can be shared only on client-server IN-SPIRE (not on the standalone version of IN-SPIRE).

Creating a New Dataset

To create a new dataset from source documents, click the New Dataset  button on the Projects toolbar and follow the instructions on the screen. See Creating New Datasets for further information.

To create a new dataset containing a subset of the documents in an existing IN-SPIRE dataset, see Creating Dataset Subsets.

Once you click on the New Dataset button, the new dataset name will show in Projects window, and the status for the dataset will indicate initialized in the activity panel located to the right of the datasets panel.  

Client-server IN-SPIRE installations are integrated with a database, and a database query is used to create the document collection instead of the Dataset Editor. See your database administrator (DBA) or IN-SPIRE support person if you are unsure of how to generate a collection of documents from your database.

Using a Dataset for Visualization

To use a particular dataset for visualization, the dataset's status must be Available. The status of a dataset may not be Available if it is still being processed, or if processing has failed. Click on its name in the list to select it, and click Open Dataset . A Galaxy for the chosen dataset will open.

Editing a Dataset

To edit a dataset, click on the dataset name in the list to select it, and click Edit . The Dataset Wizard window displays with the Dataset name and the number steps to edit the dataset.

Renaming a Dataset

To rename a dataset, click on its name in the list to select it, then click Rename button.The Rename window opens. Type the new name in the text box, and click OK.

More Options

The following options are available under the More button on the Projects toolbar:

Viewing Processing Details for a Dataset

To view processing details for a dataset, click on its name in the list to select it, then click More  button and select Status in the drop-down menu . The Dataset Details window opens and displays processing information associated with the dataset.

Updating the List of Datasets

To update the list of datasets after deleting or renaming, or to see the current status of a dataset being processed, click More button and select Refresh in the drop-down menu.

Importing and Exporting a Dataset

With the Dataset Editor, you can import datasets into IN-SPIRE and export datasets you create to share with others.

Importing a Dataset

To import a dataset exported from another IN-SPIRE user:

  1. Copy the exported dataset (which is a file in zip format) to the C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\INSPIRE\DatasetRoot\ExportData folder.
  1. From Projects window, click More and choose Import.
  1. Choose the file from the list of files in the Export folder.
  1. For expanded instructions, see Importing a Dataset.

Importing a Dataset as a User

Datasets can be imported as user.  Selecting this option allows the dataset list to only show your data.  After clicking Import As User, the Import As… window will display your username.

Exporting a Dataset

To export a dataset so that it can be sent to a different IN-SPIRE user:

  1. Click Menu button and choose Export. The dialog displays.
  1. Decide whether you want to save the source files in addition to the analysis information.
  1. A file containing the analysis (and optionally the source files) is saved in the C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\INSPIRE\DatasetRoot\ExportData folder.
  1. You can then send this file to IN-SPIRE users for their analyses.
  1. For expanded instructions, see Exporting Datasets.

Merging Datasets

To merge a dataset, click on the dataset name in the list to select it, and click Merge with…. The Compatible Datasets window displays a list compatible datasets.

Deleting a Dataset

To delete a dataset, click on the dataset name in the list to select it, and click More button and select Delete. If for some reason the deletion fails, the dataset may be removed manually. Datasets are referenced by number. Select Status from More button to get the dataset number, and ask your IN-SPIRE support person to remove the dataset for you.
