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Sidebars: Groups

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Use the Groups panel on the right sidebar to define a collection of documents (a group) within your dataset. Once a group has been created you can view and search documents in the group. Grouping also provides an easy way to select the same set of documents in later sessions.

Groups enables you to:

Parts of the Groups Panel

The following numbers correspond to those on the Groups image.

  1. Selection History folder. If you have selected any documents, your last three selections will be represented by groups in the Selection History folder.

    Showing Selection. A green outline around a group color swatch shows that the group contains documents that are selected. The number selected of the total number of documents in the group is shown by the numbers following the group name. For example, the search for "protest*" had 1189 documents returned, 206 of which are a part of the current selection. These behaviors can be turned off in the Settings menuSettings buttonby unchecking Show Selected in Groups Titles.

  2. Closed folder. The Selection History folder is open (the groups it contains are visible) but the Locations folder is closed. A folder can be opened and closed with the small toggle located to its left or by double-clicking on the name. Some of the documents contained in this folder are selected (the folder icon is half green).

    Locked folder. Selection History and groups created by the system (e.g., Themes, Search Networks, Entity Extraction, etc.) are locked and cannot be renamed or deleted. Groups and folders that you create will always be unlocked. Locked folders and groups can be duplicated and combined, and these copies will be unlocked.

  3. Categorical Fields. A folder that was created automatically from the "Author" categorical field.

  4. Highlighted groups. Click on any group or groups in the list to highlight it. The documents in a highlighted group will appear in the group's color in the Galaxy. Highlighting a group does not affect the current selection. Highlights can be cleared by using the icon in the Groups toolbar.

  5. Select buttons. Select the documents in highlighted groups with the select buttons.

Creating a Group

There are many ways to create a group:

Using the Groups Panel

  1. Select one or more documents. There are many ways to select documents (see Ways to Select Documents). One of them is to use the cursor to click and drag a rectangle around documents in the Galaxy.
  2. In Groups, click the New Group from SelectionNew Group from Selection buttonbutton. A group is created that includes the selected documents, and the Edit Group window opens, allowing you to change the default name and color assignment. The Edit Group window option is on by default but can be turned off by choosing SettingsSettings button> Prompt for New Group Options.

    Edit Group Window
  3. Enter a name in the Group Name field. and select a color for the group from the color swatches, if desired.
  4. Click OK. The Groups list will display the group name and the number of documents in the new group.

If Prompt for New Group Options is off, when you create a new group it is given a default title and assigned a group color. You can change the title and color later if you wish by highlighting the group in the list and clicking the Edit button.

Using the Search Tool

  1. In the Search Tool, run a Term Search to select a set of documents, or run a Search By Example and use the slider to select a collection of documents that are similar to your example text.
  2. Click Group Results. If Prompt for New Group Options is on, the Edit Group window opens and you can name the group. If it is off, a default name will be assigned that will have a letter prefix to indicate the type of search that was run, and then all or part of the search. You can change the default name at any time.

Using the Document Viewer

You can create a group from documents that are visible in the Document Viewer, i.e., either selected or, if groups are visible, members of highlighted groups. See the Document Viewer for how to do this.

Using Search Networks

Any nodes you create in Search Networks will automatically be propagated to the Groups Tool as locked groups, where they can be highlighted and their members selected. Such groups can be modified in Search Networks only.

From the Values in a Categorical Field

When a dataset is created, IN-SPIRE can create groups for each of the values found in categorical fields in the source documents. This can be a real time-saver if, for example, your fields include "Region," "Country," or other parameters important to your analysis. Instead of your having to define the fields at dataset creation time and then later having to search for the values in them so you can create groups manually, IN-SPIRE can do it for you, automatically. See Formatting Dataset Fields.

When a dataset is created, IN-SPIRE also automatically makes groups from the Themes it finds in it. Themes are terms which frequently occur together. Themes are also locked groups.

Showing Group Membership in the Galaxy

Groups Highlighted in GalaxyIn the Groups tool, highlight one or more groups in the list. Documents belonging to the highlighted groups will be represented in the Galaxy in one of three ways:

Number of Documents in a Group and Number Selected

The number of selected documents within a group is found next to the group title. For example, (0/66) indicates that of the 66 documents in the group, none are selected. By default, this information is visible; to turn it off, deselect SettingsSettings button> Show Selected in Group Titles. To sort all groups by this number, choose Settings > Sort by Number of Documents or Sort by Number of Selected Documents. Note that these are one-time sorts and will have to be chosen again if the selection or group membership changes.

"Total Docs" (#5 on the Groups panel image, above) is the total number of unique documents in all highlighted groups.

Finding the Overlap Between Groups

Overlap includes documents that occur in more than one highlighted group; in the Galaxy they are colored cyan. By default any document that appears in more than one of the groups is counted. This behavior can be changed by selecting one of the options buttons Overlap is in > 1 group or Overlap is in all groups from the SettingsSettings buttonmenu.

In the example shown, if three groups have been highlighted, the default option of "…in > 1 group" will show an overlap of 652 documents that are in at least two of the three groups. Changing the setting to "…in all groups" reduces the overlap number to 48 because only 48 documents belong to all three highlighted groups.

Using the Select Buttons

Viewing Evidence in Grouped Documents

To view a summary of the evidence in highlighted groups, open the Ratings tool. The groups that are represented are those highlighted in the Groups list. You can view the documents in these groups in the Document Viewer (from the Document Viewer's menus, choose SettingsSettings button> Groups and Evidence Ratings).

Managing Groups

Rename or Change the Color Assigned to a Group

  1. Highlight the group in the Groups list, and click the Edit Edit group button.
  2. The Edit Group window opens. You can now change the Group Name or use the color chooser to select a different color to represent the group. Click OK.

Deleting a Group

Highlight the group in the Groups list and click the Delete Delete group button button.

Saving Groups

Groups are automatically saved when you close the dataset or exit IN-SPIRE. You can also save them manually by choosing File >Save Session from the IN-SPIRE main toolbar. Searches, viewed documents, and outliers will also be saved.

Combining Groups

Two or more groups can be combined to create one new group. This is equivalent to selecting all the documents in one group and adding them to a second group. Combining groups is very useful in datasets with entities where several versions of the same name are used on multiple groups. Both locked and unlocked groups can be combined. To combine groups, control click on the groups you want to combine, then right-click on one of them, and choose Combine Groups. The New Group dialog will appear and allow you to set the name and color of the new group. The newly created group will appear at the bottom of the list as the last group. Notes: the source groups used are not modified. Folders cannot be combined.

Duplicating Groups and Group Folders

Groups and Group Folders can be duplicated, creating unlocked copies. This is especially useful if you want to change the group membership of a locked folder, such as those resulting from Entity Extraction and Search Networks. If you choose to duplicate a folder, all of the groups inside the folder will be copied, too. To duplicate a group or group folder, click on the item you want to duplicate and optionally control click to add additional items. Right click on any highlighted item and choose Duplicate. If an item is in a locked group folder, the copy will be created at the bottom of the group widget list. If the item is in an unlocked folder, it will be created inside the original folder and "_copy" will be appended to the name.

Organizing the List of Groups

You can:

Changing the Order of Groups in the List

Click on the group or folder you want to move, and drag it to the new location, or
Click the up or down arrow Arrow up buttonArrow down button buttons to move it up or down in the list.

Creating a New Folder

  1. Click the New Folder Groups new folder button button.
  2. Enter the name of the new folder.
    Or, to rename an existing folder, highlight the folder, and click the Edit Edit group button button. You can change the name on the Edit Group window.

Moving an Existing Group into a Folder

There are two ways to move a group into a folder. You can click on the name of the group and drag it to the folder, or
Highlight the name of the group and click the Move Move Button button. From the drop-down list, select the name of the folder to which you want to move it.

Hiding A Group or Folder from View

If you have a large number of groups, not all of which you are using at the current time, you may find it useful to hide some of the clutter. Categorical fields and Themes, for example, can sometimes contain a very large number of values, not all of which are useful to the analysis. Hiding a group or group folder merely makes it invisible in the Groups tool list; the documents inside the groups are not affected. You can hide both locked and unlocked groups and folders.

Hide/Unhide options on the Groups panel right-click menu

To hide a group or folder: Click on the group or on the folder and choose SettingsSettings button> Hide. Or right-click on a group and choose Hide from the right-click menu shown in the example.

Unhide options on the Groups panel Settings menu

To unhide specific hidden groups or folders: Select SettingsSettings button> Reveal Hidden Items. All hidden items will become visible and their labels will be in italics. The items in italics are still invisible to the other tools and will not appear in those that use groups, like Facets and Correlation.


Click on the item(s) you want to reveal and then choose Unhide either from the Settings menu or from the right-click menu.

Unhide options on the Groups panel Settings menu

To unhide all hidden groups and folders: Select SettingsSettings button> Unhide All. All hidden items will become visible and available for interactions as before.

Focusing on a Group

You can set the focus on a group by dragging the group to Set Focus. You have the option of Setting Focus on groups of interest or removing those that are less interesting. To focus on a group, see Adding Groups to Focus for more details. To remove less interesting groups, see Removing Less Interesting Groups of Documents for more details.
