
Data Sets
Creating New
--ASCII Text
--Google Harvest
--Web Harvest
--Punctuation Rules


Document Viewer
--Evidence Panel
Major Terms
Time Slicer

About version 2.2
Known issues

Groups: Basics

groups tool evidence panel closed

Accessing the Groups Tool

group tool button Click the Groups button on the toolbar, or
  From the Windows menu, choose Groups. The Groups Tool opens, with the Evidence Panel hidden.

number 1To create a group from within the Group Tool

  1. Select one or more documents. Ways to select documents.
  2. Click the New button. A group is created that includes the selected documents, and the Edit Group window opens, allowing you to change the default name and color assignment. The Groups list will display the name and the number of documents in the group.

Creating a group using Queries

  1. In the Queries Tool, run a word query, or run a Query By Example query and use the slider to select a collection of documents that are similar to your example text.
  2. Click Group Results.

Creating a group using the Document Viewer
To create a group containing documents that are selected and visible within the Document Viewer

  1. From the Add to Group... dropdown menu (located in the bottom 1/4 of the window), choose New Group.

    The Add to Group dropdown menu remembers your last selection. If you have previously chosen a group name from the list, you will see that, not "Add to Group...".

  2. The Edit Group window opens. Enter a name for the group.
  3. Choose a different color than the one assigned by the system, if you wish.
  4. Click OK. The Edit Group window closes. The new group is now listed in the Add to Group... dropdown.
  5. Click Add. The highlighted document is added to the new group.

To change the name or color assigned to a group

  1. Highlight the group in the Groups list
  2. Click the Edit button. The Edit Group window opens.
  3. Change the name, or use the color chooser to choose a different color.
  4. Click OK.

To delete a group
Highlight it in the Groups list and click the Delete button.

To save groups
You need do nothing; groups are automatically saved when you close the data set or exit IN-SPIRE. Choosing File > Save Session also saves groups (as well as queries, viewed documents, and outliers).

To revert to last-saved groups, discarding the groups listed in the Groups list
From the main menu bar's File menu, choose Restore Groups.

number 2To display member documents in the group color in the Galaxy
Highlight the group in the Groups List by clicking on its name. To highlight several groups whose names are contiguous, click on the name of the first group, then SHIFT-click on the last group. All groups between the first and the last will be highlighted. To highlight non-contiguous groups, CTRL-click each in turn.

number 3The total number of unique documents in all highlighted groups is the Total Docs number.

number 4Overlap includes documents that occur in more than one highlighted group; they are colored turquoise in the Galaxy. Refine this collection by choosing In > 1 Group to color as overlapping any documents occurring in 2 or more groups, or choose In All Groups to color as overlapping any documents which occur in all highlighted groups.

number 5Using the Select buttons

    Select buttons for Total Docs
    +Select button
    To add all documents in a highlighted group or group to the selection set. In the Galaxy, they will be colored the selection color.
    To select only the documents in the highlighted group or groups.
    - button
    To deselect all documents that occur in a highlighted group or groups
    Select buttons for Overlap
    +Select button
    To add to the selection set only those documents which occur in more than one highlighted group, or all highlighted groups, depending on which radio button is on.
    To select only those documents which occur in more than one highlighted group, or in all highlighted groups, depending on which radio button is on.
    - button
    To deselect only those documents which occur in more than one highlighted group, or in all highlighted groups, depending on which radio button is on.
    clear selects button
    To deselect all selected documents.

number 6To view the documents in a group without selecting them and to use the Evidence Panel's annotation tools

Click red downward-facing triangle button to open the Evidence Panel. All the documents in highlighted groups will be listed and accessible. Selected documents are always visible in the Document Viewer.

Organizing the Groups List

Using folders

  • To make a new folder, click the New button and choose Folder. A dialogue box appears which allows you to enter the name of the new folder.
  • To rename a folder, double click on its name. A blinking insertion point appears in the middle of the word. Highlight and edit the name as you normally would. Alternatively, click Edit. The Edit Group window opens. You can change the name there.
  • To move a group into a folder or to move a group from one folder to another, highlight the name of the group and click the Move button button_move.gif. From the dropdown list, choose the name of the folder to which you want to move it.

Changing the order of folders or groups by moving them up or down in the Groups list

  1. Highlight the group or folder you want to move.
  2. Click up or down arrowbutton_updown.gifto move the item up or down in the list.

To see helpful information about a part of the Groups window
Hover the cursor over it. Information will appear in the Help panel at the bottom of the window.